1. kautamaning agesan
tansah ngangsu kawruh kang becik,
naggladi luhuring budi,
ngerti marang bener lan salah,
makarya tanpa pamrih,
cukat rikat mrantasi gawe,
ngudi aruming asma.
2. jejering satriatama,
kudu jembar ing pamawas,
jatmika ing budi
anteng ing solah
piguna ing karya.
3. aja sok gawe susaheng liyan,
apa alane tansah gawe bungahing liyan.
The purpose of the sentence above is:
1. one of the goals of searching for life is good science.
and understand the correct and incorrect.
help without reward,
and work with a good road.
2. a leader,
must have a broad perspective.
useful for the community.
3. does not pester people.
all the deeds of all will help.