faithful heart lotus

                 journey into the hearts of faithful terate.

I initially Pencak silat activities ranging from class 1 smp ...!!! but I go out, because the age factor and the money factor as well, after a class I three-smp, I dare to participate in new activities Pencak silat again, pencak activities .. silat that I follow is the university's faithful heart terate,.. faithful heart terate teach many of life that if I one of the examples is a person who knows right and wrong.. I took the Pencak Silat start from the beginning of the month, ., and after three months is the increasing level,..
The first level, namely: a belt ping (jambon), the second is a green belt, a belt and white., and get a belt to the original,., what a pity I can not recount the belt last time because it is too ,.,.. suro each month. ,. is the separation between the hours of teachers and students, or ... mas and sister, .. if the faithful heart terate, all that is brother and sister or brother.,,. extrication is done in a very large building,., because pesertannya enough around a thousand,.. after a member of faithful hearts terate,., I am very very happy because it has such as large families.,,. so the story about the trip me, if there are words that are less good in the hope to understand, because every human being has certain errors ...,,!!! goodbye .,.,.