Computers are tools used to process the data according to the procedures that have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe the work people do arithmetic calculations, with or without tools, but the meaning of this word and then transferred to the machine itself. Their origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.
In such a definition is a tool like a slide rule, mechanical calculator types ranging from abacus, and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. Better terms suitable for a broad sense such as "computer" is "that process information" or "information-processing system".
Computer Based Data Processed
Computer AnalogThis computer is a machine used to receive analog signals, typically used for checking for data that does not figure, because the data obtained is data that is waves.
Computer is usually used to present a situation. For example, the computer is used for checking the temperature, fuel flow calculator at gas stations, measuring the strength of light, and others.
Computers are widely used for scientific activities.
computer countdown inside SP BU fuel flow, hospital computer to measure temperature, blood pressure etc..
Computer DigitalThis computer is a computer that most of us know.
The data received is the data that has a digital data. While the function is used to process quantitative data in the form of numbers, letters, punctuation and others.
A computer that is right now.
Hybrid ComputerIs a computer that has the ability of the analog computers and digital computers.
This kind of computer system dedicated to processing its data both quantitative and qualitative, in other words the quantitative data that is processed to produce qualitative data and vice verse.
IBM-compatible PC 1984.